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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Of sinuses and things!

I had sinus surgery March 28 to reduce my turbinates, correct a deviated septum, and open up my maxillary sinuses.  It was quite an experience...the doctors who performed my surgery did a fantastic job and I am breathing much better now.  Certainly, the healing period is longer than I had anticipated...even after researching it online. They told me that the first week I would experience "some discomfort" when a more apt description would have been "you'll wish you were in a coma".  The first day wasn't bad, the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth were horrid.  The second thru fourth days I was bleeding and oozing out my nose.  I couldn't sleep, but couldn't comfortably be was a living nightmare of extreme discomfort - most of which I was alone for.  I had to prop myself up with pillows so that I wouldn't lean back and have the drainage running down my throat.  After the 3rd day, I was oozing both back and front in transition to oozing only down my throat and was quite the mouth-breather.  :/  Anyone considering this surgery should automatically request anti-nausia medicine.  The drainage made me so sick to my stomache...I lost 10lbs in a week. 
After the recovery period, I am doing SOOO much better and am *Really* glad I had the surgery.  :)  My nose feels, structurally, dainty (which it has never felt) and I am able to breathe so much better!  I didn't want my nose to look any different, which it doesn't.  All in all, I am glad I had the surgery.  I would have planned a bit differently had I known the recovery would have been as uncomfortable as it was initially - but I'm glad I did it.  The only thing that lingers now is that I get tired easily.  That was one side effect that I was not warned of, but have found from others who have had the surgery, is normal.  I've found that I need more rest as I heal up completely.  This has forced me to be a human "BEing" instead of a human "DOing", so that, as I see it, all-in-all - really isn't so much of a bad thing, now is it...  :)

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